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Rotten Tomatoes, Your Movie Reviews, Recognition, and Website Traffic

There are many databases and directories that you can have your movie reviews listed on, given that you meet their inclusion criteria. The biggest and most recognized is Rotten Tomatoes. Want validation and public recognition of movie reviewing writing abilities? Want high traffic from your movie reviews listed on movie review directory to your movie reviews (and by extension, your movie website)? Get yourself and your movie reviews listed on Rotten Tomatoes.

Millions of people visit Rotten Tomatoes per month. Being listed there, like on IMDb News Desk, is great exposure for you, your movie reviews, and your movie organization, whether its online or not. Before you can even think of being listed on Rotten Tomatoes, however,  you need to be writing for a reputable and recognized movie organization. They have to fax on company letterhead a formal request for you to be added to Rotten Tomatoes list of contributors. Mom and Pop movie review sites will not cut it unless your James Berardinelli. If you believe you qualify, keeping the above criteria in mind, go to RottenTomatoes, scroll the bottom of the page, and click Critics Submission. There you will find the Tomatometer Criteria (what you need to be an approved  Tomatometer Critic) and the Critic Application Form.

Three types of film critics can apply to Rotten Tomatoes: Print (a Tomatometer-approved publication), Broadcast (a Tomatometer-approved outlet), and Online (a Tomatometer-approved publication, at least 300 words). Each requires that you have been reviewing films for two years. If you are a member of one of their approved twenty-one listed film critics societies, you may also be considered for an individual membership.

All applications require that you register with Rotten Tomatoes before proceeding with the Critics’ application.

If you are looking to have not just yourself but your movie website approved by Rotten Tomatoes, it must meet this criteria:

Online publications must achieve and maintain a minimum 500,000 unique monthly visitors according to comScore, Inc or Nielsen Net Ratings and reviews must have an average length of at least 300 words. Publications must also show a consistent standard of professionalism, writing quality, and editorial integrity across all reviews and articles. Lastly, site design and layout should also reflect a reasonable level of quality and must have a domain name specific to the property.

If your movie reviews and website are up to snuff, give Rotten Tomatoes a try and apply.

About the author

Rollo Tomasi

Rollo Tomasi is a Connecticut-based film critic, TV show critic, news, and editorial writer. He will have a MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University in 2025. Rollo has written over 700 film, TV show, short film, Blu-ray, and 4K-Ultra reviews. His reviews are published in IMDb's External Reviews and in Google News. Previously you could find his work at Empire Movies, Blogcritics, and AltFilmGuide. Now you can find his work at FilmBook, ProMovieBlogger, and TrendingAwards.

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