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ProMovieBlogger is targeted to aspiring film critics, TV show critics, and entertainment world site owners.

ProMovieBlogger offers multiple ways to get your message to our readership. Your satisfaction is important to us and we know how to get the most value for your advertising dollar. Ad buys are sold on a per month basis using the PayPal subscription service. Ads will auto renew every month unless you cancel the subscription.

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Movie-centric Site Sponsorship (Text Link Ads)

Movie-centric Sites are text link ads located site wide on the right sidebar underneath “Movie-centric Sites”. Pricing is $30 per month per link.

If you’re interested in buying a Movie-centric Site link, pay with the PayPal link below and then send the anchor text and URL to advertise [AT] promovieblogger [DOT] com.

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350×200 Ad Sponsorship

The 300×250 ad appears at the top of the sidebar on every page. Pricing is $35 per month per ad. The banner can not be bigger than 25K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

If you’re interested in securing a 300×250 button sponsorship, pay by clicking the PayPal link below and then email your ad to advertise [AT] promovieblogger [DOT] com.

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125×125 Ad Sponsorship

The 125×125 ad appear on every page on the sidebar. Pricing is $25 per month per button. The button can not be bigger than 15K in size. Animation allowed but no Flash.

If you’re interested in securing a 125×125 ad sponsorship, pay by clicking the PayPal link below and then email your ad to advertise [AT] promovieblogger [DOT] com.

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Sponsored Review Article

Sponsor Review Article CostIf you would like our staff to review your website, product, or service and generate an article for it on our website, the cost of that will be $500 per review. Sponsored reviews receive at least 24 hours as the top front page post and seven days on the home page. This gives your review maximum exposure to ProMovieBlogger readers. You can read some of our reviews here and here.

If you’re interested in securing a article / review, pay by clicking the PayPal link below and send all the information about your product or service to advertise [AT] promovieblogger [DOT] com. The average review takes 3 to 5 days to complete.

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